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Vitamin Secrets you should know | Top rated vitamins December 13, 2012

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Vitamin Secrets you should know | Quality Matters

It’s very important to use only top rated vitamins for optimal health.  Why do some products measure up and others not so much?  If you want to pick the best multi vitamins and supplements this information will help you to find the best products and best company to go with.

Common issues in the Nutritional Supplement Industry:

• The nutritional supplement industry is essentially unregulated – there are no serious government approved vitamins ratings

• This produces standards varying from unacceptable to outstanding – and everything in between

• A safe rule to follow is Caveat Emptor – Let the Buyer Beware

• Many companies do not have qualified PhD health researchers and little or no published studies to back up their claims.

• Many formulations are not based on good medical and scientific research – this results in incorrect ingredients and/or incorrect ratios of ingredients

• Independent test has shown that 7 out of 10 prenatal vitamins did not even dissolve properly – if they don’t your body can’t absorb them properly

• A study at University of Maryland showed that 2/3rd of prenatal multivitamins tested didn’t release their folic acid to USP standards J Pharm Assoc (Wash) 1997

• Un-dissolved vitamins and minerals pass through the body and have been found plugging drains, some with the brand name still legible – these are not top rated vitamins

• Independent test have shown that the majority of Gingko Biloba and Saw Palmetto products tested do not meet industry standards for the active ingredient and several contained no trace of the active ingredient – clearly these are not top rated vitamins because they are not pharmaceutical grade vitamins

• Most multivitamins and minerals don’t contain the essential ingredients for optimal health

• Most don’t have the most beneficial ratio of ingredients

• Most products are not tested for potency and purity – why is that?

• Most companies have minimal or very low quality control processes and standards

• Many manufacturers produce products only to the RDA (far too low for optimal health)

• Most manufacturers use less expensive and less bioavailable forms of specific ingredients

• Many manufacturers do not provide an expiration date

Product Quality Control:

Quality control consists of a series of labs, detailed written instructions of all practices to be followed at every stage of production, control measures, testing measures for raw materials and for product at various stages of production, immediately after production and near the expiration date for each batch of each product. If there is not good, serious quality control, you don’t get top rated vitamins. Products that lead in vitamin ratings need serious care and attention to each of these stages of formulation and manufacture.

• Strict procedures developed and tested  to ensure that each tablet of the new product line will be identical in potency and purity to each other tablet of that line

These are the main points of a superior quality control process for top rated vitamins Vitamin ratings will be high for such products, provided of course that they do contain all the needed ingredients (in their most bioavailable form) in the correct ratios.
You will find much more on this topic in Multi-Vitamin Comparison (opens new window). 

• Buy only the top rated vitamins and minerals that have optimal levels of all the essential nutrients. RDA levels don’t cut it, but those are the levels which at least 95% of manufacturers use. The RDA levels were developed to prevent diseases like scurvy and rickets. Guess what, they worked. But they are far too low levels to prevent today’s degenerative diseases; heart, cancer, stroke, osteoporosis, arthritis, diabetes, asthma, Alzheimer’s and many others.



Make sure that you and your children eat well.  Only take only top rated vitamins  – nutritional supplements with a full cascade of antioxidants – a symphony of antioxidants. If you’re interested you can see a product line of top rated vitamins and minerals that meets these standards by Clicking Here (opens new window).

Now that you know all this, shouldn’t you choose top rated vitamins and minerals like these? (Opens new window.) 

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Shaklee product review | B-Complex (Kosher, Gluten Free) December 11, 2012


Shaklee product review | B-Complex (Kosher, Gluten Free):
The stress reliever vitamin I like to call it.  We burn our B vitamins off when under stress, drink alcohol, eat sugar and processed foods. And it’s tough to replace them with our diet so addingShaklee B complex is essential.Stress needs no introduction. Its causes are numerous, (worry, rushing, poor diet, etc.) but its effects are nearly always the same: exhaustion, weak immune system, heart trouble and anxiety. When the body is under constant stress, the body releases adrenaline, to prepare for the “flight or flee” action. This constant state of “preparedness” leaves the body exhausted and scatter brained. In which case we turn to stimulants like caffeine to keep our energy and focus up, but what stimulants do is just produce more adrenaline, that makes us more exhausted and scatter brained: a vicious cycle. The more stress you are under, the more B vitamins you use up in your body.
Are you properly replacing your B vitimins?Exhaustion and Stress are something we all deal with. Being tired and stressed out comes with work, studying, watching kids, playing…basically it’s called life. But fatigue is something different. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome effects 100,000 in 250,000 people. Can you imagine being so exhausted, that not only do you not have the energy for the things you have to do, but also no energy for the things you use to love doing? Age doesn’t matter. It doesn’t get better with rest. It just goes on and on, day after day, month after month, year after year for some…

Shaklee B-Complex is a “must have product”.  The B vitamins are vital for the formation of red blood cells that help the blood absorb iron and help other nutrients to the muscles. Otherwise, you become anemic, weak, scatter brained, stressed…

With Shaklee B complex you’ll experience:

  • More energy for your daily tasks without putting much though into it
  • Better circulation
  • Better and deeper sleeps

The body is supposed to rejuvenate and if you are tired all the time, there could be a serious problem.

Shaklee B-Complex provides all eight essential B vitamins necessary for converting the food we eat into energy. B vitamins are essential in the synthesis of DNA and new cells. The B vitamins (folic acid, B6, and B12) promote a healthy cardiovascular system by helping to lower homocysteine levels in the blood.

When the B vitamins are taken together, like they are naturally found in food, they help the brain’s cognitive thinking to work properly and the nervous system to take it easy.

I pay extra attention to supplementing B vitamins and I can always tell when I’m low: I crave caffeine and sweets. B vitamins play an important role thoughout the body contributing to heart, lung, brain, and cell functioning, DNA regulation, and fortifying the body.

Shaklee B Complex offers a perfectly balanced blend of all 8 B vitamins and 100% or more of the daily requirement. Shaklee’s unique patented folic acid coating assures maximum aborption and bio-availability.

B-Complex and Hair Loss:This isn’t just for you men!  Yeah it might happen to us more often but anyone can experience hair loss. In the case of men, it could be a result of age or genetics. However, many women experience hair loss as well. Young women and men that don’t even have it in their family tree. With a society that has poor health, due to poor diets, it’s no small wonder that their hair should suffer from it too. Fried and processed foods leave hair dull, brittle, and susceptible to falling out.We have done a thorough review on the B-Complex. All of the b vitamins are vital for good health and taking the Shaklee B-Complex, in its natural, balanced, and complete form is a powerhouse to be reckoned with. In the case of hair health, Folic Acid and Biotin give amazing strength to the hair follicles and shaft. With this product you will experience:

  • Fuller hair where it started thinning*
  • Healthier, less frizzy hair*
  • Stronger Hair*

Hair loss really doesn’t have to be a bad problem. Not when you are giving what your body (and hair) needs. How would you like to stop the hair loss you are experiencing?

How would you like to thicken the hair you do have?

The downside of using a lot of vitamins and protein is that your hair icould get really thick and grow so fast that you need haircuts often. Now there’s a problem so many men (and women) would love to have!

We give Shaklee B Complex two thumbs up!

Click Here to order or read more about this amazing product from Shaklee:





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Shaklee product review | Nutriferon  (Immune Booster)

Our Favorite Shaklee Products

Multi-Vitamin Comparison

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Shaklee product review | Vitamin-E Complex (Natural E for Heart, Brain, Colon, Prostrate & Immune Health) December 10, 2012


Shaklee product review | Vitamin-E Complex (Natural E for Heart, Brain, Colon, Prostrate & Immune Health)

We use Shaklee Vitamin-E complex in our home and wouldn’t use anything else.  Below are a few of the reasons why we use this product and have used it and other Shaklee products for almost 20 years.
Shaklee Vita-E Complex® contains the powerful fat-soluble antioxidant, vitamin E which supports heart, brain, and prostate health and promotes lung, colon, and immune function.

In addition Shaklee Vitamin E Complex is Gluten Free

Vitamin E Complex Health Benefits:
Shaklee vitamin E complex is an extremely beneficial vitamin for maintaining your overall health.

Vitamin E is an absolutely necessary nutrient for the human body.  Vitamin E complex has antioxidant properties and thus helps control the free radicals and prevents blockages and blood clots in the arteries (coronary). Vitamin E complex is known to reduce a person’s chances to get chronic diseases, including some types of cancer and heart attacks. Vitamin E complex is also believed to assist the conduction of the nerves and also slow down the aging process. It also plays a very important role in protecting and enhancing the effects of vitamin A and vitamin C. Research also indicates that vitamin E complex slows down the formation of cataracts. Vitamin E can be obtained from foods such as pumpkin, tomato products, wheat germ oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil, sweet potato, broccoli, olives, papayas, asparagus, rockfish, oils such as almond and hazelnut, and green leafy vegetables such as beet, turnip, collard, and spinach. In addition, you can consume Shaklee vitamin E complex supplements.

Some of vitamin E complex benefits are listed as follows: 

  • Vitamin E has antioxidant properties and is the main vitamin that helps provide support to the lipid parts of the body’s cells. The antioxidant properties of Vitamin E promote healthy cardiovascular, nervous, and circulatory systems by ensuring that these systems obtain sufficient oxygen from the body’s red blood cells.
  • Vitamin E complex health benefits are seen during a women’s menstruation period. Taking Shaklee vitamin E complex helps give them respite from menstrual cramps.  
  • Another important about vitamin E complex health benefits is that it slows down the aging process. Research also indicates that vitamin E complex is helpful in preventing or slowing the development of cataracts.
  • Many people use Shaklee vitamin E complex for acne. The benefits of Shaklee vitamin E complex for your skin are many. Vitamin E plays an important role in slowing down the aging process of your skin. It reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Vitamin E also helps prevent and treat sunburns. One important benefit of Vitamin E is that it helps prevent skin cancer.
  • Shaklee vitamin E complex can be used for hair growth as well. Taking Vitamin E complex is akin to a scalp massage. The valuable antioxidants in Shaklee vitamin E help boost the immune system and improves blood circulation to the scalp.    
  • Many bodybuilders and weightlifters take Shaklee vitamin E complex for bodybuilding as it has a number of positive health effects.
  • Some of the conditions and diseases that may benefit from the use of Vitamin E complex are diabetes, hepatitis, Parkinson’s disease, menopause, heavy menstruation, eye tissue inflammation, fibromyalgia, pre-menstrual syndrome, osteoarthritis, and restless leg syndrome.   
  • Vitamin E complex also helps minimize the severity of inflammatory disorders such as arthritis and rheumatic pains.
  • As mentioned earlier, Vitamin E complex is believed to be helpful for the heart’s health, diabetes, and for skin health. Vitamin E complex has antioxidant properties that help prevent free radicals from forming. In addition, Vitamin E is also known to limit the damage caused to the lung through air pollution. It helps reduce the activity of air pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide and ozone.  
  • Many women claim that Shaklee vitamin E complex helps reduce menopause symptoms such as hot flashes.

Click Here to order or read more about this amazing product from Shaklee:





Vitamin E Complex Side Effects.Most people do not have side effects on taking vitamin E complex supplements.
If any side effects are noticed on taking vitamin E Complex, it is best that you discontinue use and consult your doctor. 

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Shaklee product review | Nutriferon  (Immune Booster)

Our Favorite Shaklee Products

Multi-Vitamin Comparison

Top Ten Reasons To Take Shaklee Vitamin Supplements

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Free MLM / Marketing Leads | Yes Free MLM leads!

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Does this mean that you have nothing else to do? Absolutely not! You get what you give and in this business if you’re not prepared to work had and stay focused
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Shaklee product review |Vita-C (Sustained Release Vitamin C 500Mg) December 7, 2012

Shaklee product review | Vita-C
 (Sustained Release Vitamin C 500Mg)

Shaklee has manufactured vitamins for over 55 years. I have found Shaklee’s Vita-C to be great for anybody who has a sensitivity to regular full line daily vitamins or just wants a little extra boost of Vitamin C.

I’ve tried other vitamins (Great Earth etc…) but I always felt nauseous and like I was going to throw up (sorry) when I took them , after a meal or not. And yet, at certain times, I want the benefits and insurance protection that extra vitamin C and other vitamins can give without the problems. I’ve never had a problem with Shaklee Vitamins.

Read More Below…

Shaklee Vita-C & The Common Cold:

Labeling a cold as “common” doesn’t take the nastiness out of it.

If people had a better understanding about their health, perhaps it wouldn’t be common at all. A cold can be as mild as a simple nose drip, to being a full fledged body and mind experience that puts you in bed for days. It should be known as the “inconvenient” cold. The symptoms are numerous (cough, sore throat, congestion, aches) but the cause is a weak immune system of our own making when we don’t sleep, don’t eat right, and take on more than we can handle.

Vita-C Is great for colds because of its potency and the long term benefits of taking it regularly. We’ve all heard that taking vitamin C can help with colds, but has anyone ever explained why? It fights infections yes but there are so many more benefits of taking vitamin C. With this product you will experience:

  • Shorter and less severe colds due to its immune boosting and antihistamine properties*
  • Slowing of the inflammatory response*
  • Less severe allergic responses*

As humans, we cannot produce Vitamin C in our bodies and must constantly replenish it.

Skin and Teeth Problems:
Everybody wants healthy, nice looking skin and teeth. That’s why millions of dollars are spent annually on skin care and oral surgery to achieve this. Whether it is to get rid of wrinkles, acne, scars, sagging skin or weak, rotting teeth, everybody wants skin that glows and teeth that shine. But nothing beats the natural beauty of healthy skin and teeth that are nourished from within, below the surface.

Shaklee Vita-C also rejuvenates the entire body, including skin and teeth. It combats bacteria helping diminish acne and balances hormones which restores the right amount of moisture to the skin. With this product you will experience:

  • Clearer, more supple skin with the right amount of moisture*
  • Helps restore gum tissue and tooth decay*
  • Helps with an overall youthful appearance*

Do NOT underestimate the power Vitamin C! 

“What are you waiting for?”

Click Here to order or read more about this amazing product from Shaklee:



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Our Favorite Shaklee Products

Multi-Vitamin Comparison

Top Ten Reasons To Take Shaklee Vitamin Supplements

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Shaklee product review | Vita-Lea (Multivitamin & Multimineral) December 5, 2012

Shaklee product review | Vita-Lea  (Multivitamin & Multimineral)

We have been taking Shaklee Vitamins and supplements for over 19 years and couldn’t be happier.

We wouldn’t use any other brand in our home. We almost never get sick  We highly recommend Shaklee’s products. The quality is awesome. they are worth their weight in gold. We take the vitamins and eat right I’m 51 and my wife is 47 and  people can’t believe it when we tell them how old we are. 

Shaklee Vitamins are a great investment into your health and well being, Read More Below…

Before we started taking this product we had heard good reports about this multi-vitamin, but were not honestly expecting to notice any real difference in energy level, alertness, etc.

So when we began taking these vitamins, I didn’t hold my breath for special magical physical changes, However, after about a week of taking this vitamin, I realised that I was feeling unusually perky, chipper, and awake. I had more energy and thought to myself, “Wow! I’ve felt great these past few days… what have I been doing differently?”

I hadn’t been exercising. I hadn’t been eating differently. I hadn’t been drinking more water. (All of those things are on my list of changes to make… but one thing at a time!) I hadn’t even been getting more sleep.

I realised that the main thing I was doing “differenly” from the past, was that I was taking Shaklee’s Vita-Lea with Iron every morning!

I am more than satisfied with this multi-vitamin. I’m delighted to have found a good-quality multi-vitamin that doesn’t contain artificial colors or impossible-to-absorb nutrients. I am definitely going to continue taking this product!

I recommend trying this multi-vitamin! 

Read More Below…





My wife has been been hooked on Shaklee for almost 20 years. The first product she tried, the Vita Lea multivitamin by Shaklee, is a foundation for health like no other. You will be a believer if you add the Vita Lea multivitamin by Shaklee to your health regiment.

Why Shaklee?
Every person asks that question before they commit to using Shaklee products mainly because the products are more expensive than nutritional supplements seen in retail stores. I was wowed by the company’s higher standards of quality and testing and the fact that even in 1988 the company had spent well over 100 million dollars just on research. Today that number is about 250 million. Being a little skeptical, I started with just the foundational product for health, the multivitamin called Vita Lea.

The Vita Lea Multivitamin Is In Balance:
Shaklee doesn’t produce a product unless the ingredients have been tested to be free of herbicides, pesticides, and other contaminants. Through the years, I’ve seen Shaklee stop making products when they couldn’t get pure ingredients regardless of the money they would lose. Shaklee also doesn’t leave out the expensive ingredients like Biotin and fill up the tablet with vitamins that are cheaper to produce. Shaklee puts in the 23 vitamins and minerals at levels clinically proven to be in balance.

I Take Vita Lea and I’m Never Sick
I haven’t had a need for a family doctor for at least 10 years or longer. If I do get sick with a cold, I don’t stay sick as long as other people. I don’t take any medications and haven’t since I’ve taken Shaklee products. I contribute this success to not missing a day taking the multivitamin, Vita Lea. I do take several other Shaklee nutritional products in addition to the Vita Lea multivitamin; plus, my lifestyle and regular exercise also contribute to health.

Deciding to begin and continue taking the Vita Lea multivitamin by Shaklee for the rest of your life is the best decision for health you will ever make. You will be hooked once you start enjoying continuous health all year long.   In the interest of full disclosure we are Shaklee Distributors as well  as customers.

Click Here to order or read more about this amazing product from Shaklee:





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Our Favorite Shaklee Products

Multi-Vitamin Comparison

Top Ten Reasons To Take Shaklee Vitamin Supplements

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Shaklee product review | Cinch (Weight-Loss Program) December 4, 2012


The Shaklee Cinch inch loss program is sold by independent Shaklee distributors and through Shaklee a 55 year old Natural Nutrition company based in Pleasanton California and founded in 1956 by 61-year-old chiropractor / pastor / motivational radio personality Forrest C Shaklee, who had been selling an early kind of nutritional supplement that he called “Vitalized minerals” since the age of 20. (Dr Shaklee invented the modern Multivitamin)

The Theory behind Cinch: 
Cinch is Shaklee’s entree into the lucrative weight loss market. The centerpiece of the program are products that contain an amino acid called leucine. Leucine cannot be synthesized in the body, but rather is obtained as a component of protein rich foods, including meats, eggs and dairy products. It is used by both fatty tissue and by muscle tissue in the human body, in the case of muscle tissue for the purpose of stimulating muscle protein synthesis.

According to Shaklee, the leucine-enhanced Cinch products “help to retain 100 percent of lean muscle mass” during weight loss.

For the past 55 years, Shaklee scientists and researchers have been working to bring you the best products from nature that support and improve your health. From creating one of the first non-toxic cleaning products to being the first company to be climate neutral, Shaklee has been trailblazing the way as champions of the environmental movement. At the heart of their motivation is their belief that taking care of the health of families also makes a profound difference in the health of the planet.

Shaklee creates products for the home, beauty and health. One of their most notable products is the Cinch Inch Loss Plan, a regimen of protein-packed shakes, meal-replacement bars and energy-boosting teas that help you lose inches and pounds safely and effectively. The concept behind the weight loss plan is that the more muscle you have, the more efficient your metabolism will become, therefore, each of the Cinch products contain a significant dose of protein in order to help you build lean muscle mass.

You can lose up to 16 pounds in 12-weeks by following the Shaklee program correctly.

The California-based company sells its products through it’s network of independent distributors and online.


  • Products contain no parabens, triclosan, sulfates, trans-fats, dyes or artificial sweeteners
  • Shaklee is a well-established company with a more than half-century history
  • Offers a variety of health products
  • Packaging of products is done so with non-toxic inks and eco-safe materials
  • Weight loss products include an organized program


  • Cinch Inch Loss Plan may not produce long-term weight loss if you don’t stick with it.
  • Meal-replacement diets may produce feelings of diet deprivation that can lead to weight regain if you don’t stick with them.
  • Consult with your doctor before starting any diet or exercise program.


The Cinch Inch Loss Plan is a 12-week weight loss plan that promises to help you lose fat while keeping and building muscle. The magic of the Cinch Inch Loss Plan comes from the specific line of products which contain leucine, an amino acid that helps your body retain muscle mass.

On the Cinch Inch Loss Plan, you consume Cinch shakes and meal bars in place of two meals, preferably breakfast and lunch which contain a mega serving of protein. In addition, Cinch energy teas can be consumed throughout the day to offer a natural energy boost. Cinch Snack Bars can be eaten in lieu of your usual afternoon or mid-morning snack and the Cinch 3-in-1-Boot supplement is also taken each day in order to supply your body with the vitamins and minerals it needs and to regulate your blood sugar. A portion and calorie-controlled dinner of your choice is allowed.

The Cinch Inch Loss Plan starter kit includes everything you need to begin the weight loss plan. The kit includes shake mixes (chocolate or vanilla), nutrition bars, supplements, daily journals, a CD program guide, shaker cup, pedometer and tape measure.

The CinchCoach software program helps you create a fitness plan that supports your weight loss goals. You can also read articles on fitness and exercise on the Cinch website and the starter kit comes with a pedometer to encourage adding more movement to your day and a measuring tape in order to measure your weight loss progress.

The Cinch Inch Loss Program created by Shaklee is a 12-week weight loss program that relies on consuming a regimented diet of Cinch shakes, teas, bars and supplements. As a meal-replacement diet, Cinch helps you lose fat while retaining and building lean muscle mass with its inclusion of metabolism-boosting protein in each product.

Shaklee is a health and beauty company that has been specializing in developing and selling healthy and sustainable products since 1956.

If you are looking for a controlled diet plan, one that provides you with food and tells you when to consume it, then Shaklee’s Cinch Inch Loss Plan might be just the weight loss program you need to lose weight and take control over your health once and for all.

To start this Diet today, click the Links Below:





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Top Ten Reasons To Take Shaklee Vitamin Supplements

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Shaklee product review | Nutriferon (Immune Booster) December 3, 2012


Shaklee has a product called NutriFeron (exclusive to Shaklee) that boosts the body’s own immune protection – interferon. Shaklee has at least 4 clinical trials thus far that are proving NutriFeron’s effectiveness. NutriFeron boosts your body’s own production of interferon. I for one am taking preventive measures to protect my family by strengthening our own immune system. We take NutriFeron everyday. Read below for more information on this amazing product from Shaklee.

Since interferon is produced by the immune system when faced with threats like viruses and tumors, it’s natural to assume a supplement that helps you make more interferon might protect you against the flu or other viruses.

One dose (2 caplets) gives you 500 mg of: “MACH® Patented blend of Interferon-boosting Plant Extracts.” This includes:

Pumpkin seed extract (Cucurbita moschata)
Safflower flower extract (Carthamus tinctorius)
Asian Plantain seed extract (Plantago asiatica)
Japanese Honeysuckle flower extract (Lonicera japonica)

Nothing strange like eye of newt or anything — just seed and flower extracts. But what do these seed and flower extracts do for us? 

How do we know this “patented blend” actually boosts interferon as claimed?

The label says NutriFeron is a “POWERFUL BREAKTHROUGH IN IMMUNE SYSTEM SCIENCE” and that it is a “clinically tested, natural interferon booster.*”

Shaklee has published numerous clinical studies to support it’s claims and these can be found at it’s corporate website.

Below are four of the clinical studies there are others noted on Shaklee corporate website and almost 100 have been published on this and other Shaklee products.

Ushiroyama T., Yoshida S., Tadaki K., Ikeda A., Ueki M. “Clinical efficacy of EH0202, a Kampo formula, on the health of middle-aged women.” Am J Chin Med. 2004;32(5):755-70. 
Ushiroyama T,Yoshida S,Tadaki K, Ikeda A, Ueki M.A pilot study of a Kampo formula, EH0202, with intriguing results for menopausal symptoms. J Altern Complement Med. 2004 Apr;10 (2):397-9. 

Kaji K,Yoshida S, Nagata N,Yamashita T, Mizukoshi E, Honda M, Kojima Y, Kaneko S. An open-label study of administration of EH0202, a health-food additive, to patients with chronic hepatitis C. J Gastroenterol. 2004 Sep;39(9):873-8.
Kubo M, Hashimoto Y,Yoshida S.

    The effect of health food containing EH0202 on physical and mental symptoms accompanying menstruation in women with premenstrual syndrome (PMS).Clin Pharm Ther. 2004;14(2):129-142.

10 Reasons to Support Your Immune System with NutriFeron® The Powerful Breakthrough in Immune System Science
Now more than ever is the time to take care of yourself. Every day your immune system has to protect you from millions of microbes that inhabit your surroundings—microbes you may be breathing, eating, touching, or sharing.1. Naturally Boosts Interferon Levels
Scientists have identified interferon as being critical to healthy immune function. NutriFeron is the ONLY DIETARY SUPPLEMENT IN THE U.S. created by the immunologist who discovered interferon THAT NATURALLY INCREASES THE PRODUCTION OF INTERFERON IN THE BODY.2. Created by the Discoverer of Interferon
Dr. Yasuhiko Kojima, the world-renowned immunologist who discovered interferon in 1954, dedicated 40 years of research to finding natural compounds that would provide a boost to interferon production. This patented botanical blend is found in NutriFeron. NutriFeron from Shaklee is the ONLY IMMUNITY SUPPLEMENT IN THE U.S. CREATED BY THE DISCOVERER OF INTERFERON.3. 40 Years of Research
After 40 years of painstaking research testing hundreds of natural compounds and herbs, Dr. Kojima developed a UNIQUE BLEND OF FOUR POWERFUL PLANT EXTRACTS that boosts the body’s natural production of interferon.4. Patented Blend of Interferon-Boosting Plant Extracts
The exclusive formula includes pumpkinseed extract, safflower flower extract, Asian Plantain seed extract, and Japanese Honeysuckle flower extract. Each serving provides 500 mg of immunity-bolstering ingredients.5. Supported by Four Human Clinical Studies
Four published clinical studies confirm the extraordinary health and immune-supporting benefits of the proprietary blend of plant extracts found in NutriFeron. This potent-yet-safe phytonutrient blend provides immune support right at the cellular level.6. Exclusive Formula Protected by 3 Patents
NutriFeron is supported by THREE patents and is available only through Shaklee Independent Distributors. This unique, patented formula is a Shaklee exclusive.7. Made to the Highest Quality Standards
A powerfully effective supplement, NutriFeron has been subjected to a stringent set of scientific tests for safety, purity, potency, and performance.8. Springtime Blooms Tear You Up?
Preliminary studies suggest that NutriFeron balances your immune response against environmental irritants and airborne pollutants.9. Sign up for AutoShip, Save 10%
Products ordered with Auto-ship qualify for a 10% discount from Shaklee when the order is placed.10. Don’t Like It? Don’t Pay for It
Shaklee takes pride in making products that are naturally safe—AND proven effective. To prove it, every Shaklee product is backed by an unconditional, 100% money-back guarantee.  Always Safe.  Always Works.  Always Green

To order Shaklee Nutreferon Visit the Links Below:





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Shaklee product review | Vivix (Resveratrol) December 2, 2012


Shaklee product review | Vivix (Resveratrol):

We are Shaklee Distributors and use this product each and every day. Our customers love it and rave about the results that they get from using this product, It’s not uncommon to hear people say they feel younger, have more energy and stamina, recover more quickly from injuries and illness and more…

Shaklee Vivix Customer Testimonials…

1. VIVIX vs. High Blood Pressure: 
“I have high blood pressure that is controlled by a diuretic and beta blocker combination medication. Usually even with medication my systolic ranges between 129-138 and my diastolic between 75-83 and my pulse would range anywhere from 80-91 (rarely dropping below 80). After five days on Vivix™ my blood pressure was 111/69 and pulse 59. The only thing different that I have been doing prior to this low reading is Vivix™. The past few days, my bp seems to be consistently around 122/73 and pulse 70. That’s pretty pleasing to me. I hope to eventually be able to come off all medications. I do supplement with magnesium and CoQ10 to counteract what my bp medication causes in nutrient deficiencies, but I’d rather not have the stuff going through my system. I have not been on any other medications, not changed my diet any and my exercise level is still around 7500 steps a day and some light resistance workouts with 5 lb weights. Overall, I seem to have more energy and am better able to concentrate. I would recommend that you take Vivix™ in the morning so you can get the benefit of more energy throughout the day.”

 “started on the VIVIX Wednesday, August 8th. The 13th he had dental surgery to prepare for a tooth transplant. The 22nd he had a follow up visit and the dental surgeon called in some of his staff to show them that the healing process looked like it had been 4 months instead of just a few days! He said he’d never seen anything like this before and was calling his Mother-in-law who’s in Shaklee to get started on the products! He is 67 and has taken Shaklee for 34 years!”

3. Fibromyalgia:
 A Fibromyalgia client on Vivix, Vitalizer, and Cinch shakes for 4 days reports: “I noticed I slept really well last night for the first time in many weeks. My pain has lifted some and my energy level is starting to increase. I actually don’t mind fixing my drink in the morning and as I get dressed I sip on it and it’s good. Just to let you know how the Shaklee’s is going for me.”

4. Better Skin in 12 days: 
“My daughter has been taking Vivix since the convention and noticed yesterday that the little red bumps that she has had on the backs of her arms for fifteen years are almost completely gone. She has been taking Shaklee supplements for a long time and this is the first time the bumps have gone away. She has also noticed that her endurance has gone up for her Pilates classes. She also finds that her face looks more rested. Can’t wait to find out what else will happen!”

5. Massage Therapist Reports:
 “I am a massage therapist … I pay a lot of attention to my hands since they’re my working tools. Over the years, I’ve developed numerous age spots on both hands. I also have sun damage on both cheeks. (on my face) Anyway, I noticed something different with my hands on day 3 of Vivix. Yes, they were looser. My always swollen knuckles were looking almost normal. But there was something else going on and I couldn’t pinpoint it. This morning (day 6 of Vivix), I looked at my hands while putting toothpaste on my toothbrush and screamed for my husband. He came running in the bathroom, thinking he was going to have to save me from something terrible. Instead, I shoved my hands in his face. My right hand only had a few age spots on it. My left hand had NO age spots! I have looked at these spots for years and thought that it was just something I was going to have to live with. Then, I looked at my face in the mirror. The sun damage on my right cheek was a mere shadow. On my left cheek, there was only a little spot. I can’t wait to wake up in the morning. I knew this product was amazing when they introduced it to us, but I never would have dreamed that it would work this fast or have these affects.”

6. Torn Rotator Cuff: 
“Tears come to my eyes as I write this. Shaklee has brought out a product that is unlike anything I have ever seen. Two years ago I fell and tore my left rotator cuff and ripped the ligament off the bone in my left thumb (I am left-handed). Three months later the doctor operated on the thumb and re-attached the ligament to the bone. Six months after that, my other doctor operated on my shoulder. When I woke, he told me that when he got in there he found “frozen shoulder” so he cleaned up the area a little, but wanted me to use the arm immediately or I would never get full range out of it again. Two years later I still have pain in my shoulder and it hurts to lift it totally straight to my ear. My thumb is always sore and the joint is swollen at the knuckle and also hurts in the joint above it. I have been on Vivix for a week now. I was driving down to see one of our daughters who is in college when I realized that my thumb did not hurt and that the joint was not swollen! I almost ran off the road I was so startled with this realization. This was two years of discomfort that I thought I would have to live with for the rest of my life. (At 57 that was not something I looked forward to). I can’t wait to see what else Vivix restores in me! Remember, it works at the cellular level. I have already noticed that my fingers don’t feel so “tight” in the morning when I wake up. 
Praise God and thank you Shaklee!!”

7. Vivix and Diverticulitis: 
“I am a medical transcriptionist, I have diverticulitis, which had become burdensome to say the least. I have been using Shaklee products and I know they are good. A week ago today I started taking one teaspoon of Shaklee’s new product, Vivix. During the past week I have not had one episode of explosive symptoms, no left-sided pain or cramps. I do believe it is safe to say that Vivix is helping.”

8. No More Pain Meds: 
“My husband and I have been on the Vivix for 1 week and 2 days and after about 5 days Tom noticed that his ankles no longer hurt. He had broken them both as a youth playing sports. Tom is 65 and arthritis hit his ankles this year. He had to get up and take pain meds so he could sleep. After taking Vivix for just 5 days he no longer needs pain meds to sleep.”

9. Roseacea Healing: 
“My testimony is about my skin. I have Roseacea and have found I could not eat Shell fish, tomatoes, chocolate or strawberries with out getting hard bumps under the skin on my face. It would take weeks to get the hard bumps to come to the surface using Enfuselle mask. Well I love those foods and being in New Orleans I was not about to not eat the local shellfish along with the dipping sauce (tomato based). I also ate a Shaklee Chocolate Chip Meal Bar and have had the Strawberry Cinch shake since I have been home. No break out … in fact my skin is healing beautifully from past red scarring.”

10.Vivix and Stamina! 
“I had been taking VIVIX 5 days and on Thursday I did my typical 30 minutes on the eliptical stairstepper. To date, my best endeavour has been about 3,200 to 3,400 steps during that time and that was a press. This day I broke 4,000 steps. I was able to sustain the higher speeds that normally I flake out on after a few minutes. My stamina was amazing. It is hard to imagine that a product could work this quickly but it did. That’s about a 20+% increase!”

11. Sleeping Better, Aches Reduced, Age-spots reduced:
Here is an awesome Vivix testimonial from Dr. Sandy Bevacqua, a heavy-duty molecular biologist, who is in tune with her body and not given to hyperbole! “Although I’ve been on an excellent anti-inflammatory supplement and diet program for over ten years, I’ve still had some aches and pains that just haven’t gone away. I’ve been using Vivix for about two weeks now (since it came out) and have had tremendous relief of all of the achy pains that used to plague me! I’m especially relieved not to have pain around the arthritic bones spurs I have on the joints of my spine and hands. This is a blessing in and of itself. However the other day, I got a phone call from a friend of mine who started using Vivix when I did. She said her age spots were going away. “What!!!! Hold the phone!” I said. It looked like mine were lighter too!! Now several days later I can say for certain that some of my spots are gone and the rest are much, much lighter. I’ll bet they’ll all be gone within a week. I’m also noticing much more energy and I’ve been sleeping better (less pain). Better sleep, more energy, no pain and no spots!!! Hip Hip Hooray for Shaklee!”

12. Age Spots and Spur Gone: 
“I had a couple of light brown spots that showed up on my face a few months ago and was considering seeing a dermatologist to have them checked. After just 10 days on Vivix I noticed they were gone. Also the couple on my hands are fading fast. But the absolute best testimony I have after three weeks on Vivix is the following: I developed a spur in my big toe four years ago after I got a hairline crack on the side of my foot. I eventually couldn’t move my toe even a fraction. The doctor called it a ‘stiff toe’ and said it was a spur. He said my only solution was surgery and wearing ugly shoes the rest of my life. The pain was horrific for months. I couldn’t even stand a bed sheet on my toe. When the doctor said “spur” a light bulb went off. I remembered hearing years ago that Shaklee’s premium calcium blend might break up arthritic spurs, so I knew I had to increase my Shaklee calcium and alfalfa. Within 3 days the spur was dissolving, but I developed a lump on the bone above my toe, which continued to cause me some pain. I eventually could wear one inch heels as long as the shoe wasn’t too tight. I had to buy shoes 1/2 size larger because of the sore. That was definitely better then the doctors only solution of surgery and ‘ugly shoes’ but it just wouldn’t heal completely. Then “Vivix” came along. I had taken it for 2 1/2 weeks when I noticed the lump was gone and no more soreness. I wore 2″ heels this week for the first time in four years and was pain free. I still had some crystallization in my big toe, but I noticed that it is completely dissolved now and I can wiggle my toe perfectly and bend it up, which is probably why I can wear the high heels now (the spur and lump are both completely gone). If I really push where the lump was there is still a slight soreness, but I’m sure that will be gone soon. I am so excited. Thank you Shaklee for this unbelievable product. I had no idea it would help with such a problem. I’ve missed so much not being able to wear heels as I’m short and they just make me feel more feminine, plus I’m pretty tired of the pain. I was just taking the Vivix to become younger, like we all are. I also have a friend in Shaklee who said her bunions are gone and her husband’s dark shadows on his face are practically gone. I think Shaklee is going to be receiving some truly amazing testimonies as a result of this product.
 I think we’ve only touched the tip of the iceberg. I just had to share this.”

13. Ability to Focus: 
“I began using Vivix Saturday morning and by Monday I noticed a marked improvement in my ability to focus on one task at a time through the day. This has always been an issue for me; beginning one thing after another and having difficulty completing any. I’m absolutely amazed that I’ve been so clear-headed, focused and energetic this week.”

14. Not Stiff: 
“I have  had many injuries over the years (fell off a ladder), and OmegaGuard, etc. have really reduced the stiffness, pain, etc. that he has had to live with BUT since Vivix he can get right up out of bed without being bent over … he can walk down the stairs without holding on to both side rails … I am not stiff or “old” looking as I walk.”

15. Tremor is Gone: 
“My brother-in-law who is 75 and recently had some physical problems, started to experience a strong tremor of his right hand … he started Vivix, his only Shaklee product—and within a few days his tremor is gone and he is writing normally again! He is duly impressed and thankful.”

16. Increased Exercise Time & Intensity: 
“I’ve always been an avid exerciser since I was 20 years old – aerobic type of activity and weights. But I do have my limit with my heart and how hard I can push myself – and I do work out very hard. I have a particular machine that I work out on called the gauntlet. It’s like walking up an escalator that is going down. It is a very strenuous workout. I typically work out on it for about 35 minutes. It has taken me 3 or 4 years to get to the level of intensity that I work out on it now. If I push myself harder than my heart can handle, it starts to flip and go fast and I get a weak feeling all throughout my body. I have to stop my workout and wait a couple minutes to get my bearings back. For me to increase my workout to the next level, it would take me a good year to work my body up to it – without my heart going crazy and having to keep stopping. In 2 weeks of starting on Vivix, I increased my intensity of my workout without my heart flipping and that weak feeling AND I worked out at that intensity for 60 minutes!!! I was so excited. This is HUGE for me!!! I know my body really well and what I can and can’t handle and this is a complete change in just 2 weeks on the Vivix!!!” 

To order Shaklee Vivix Visit the Links Below:



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Top Ten Reasons To Take Shaklee Vitamin Supplements / Why Shaklee Vitamins are the Best December 1, 2012


Vitamin supplements are for salel everywhere, from Wal-Mart to drive thru gas stations. They are manufactured by countless of companies, some with good or not so good reputations. Before you make the critical health decision we suggest that you do just a little simple research. Read the labels and shop and compare. We are so confident if you do your due diligence you will choose Shaklee.

Here is a statement issued by our Health Sciences and Education department that we want to share. “The Top 10 Reasons to take Shaklee Supplements”.

“Shaklee products and the quality and science behind them are unmatched in the industry. But how familiar are you with the many elements of the Shaklee Difference?

Even if you think you know what makes this company and our products stand apart from the rest, refresh your knowledge with this list of Ten Key Steps that we take to ensure that Shaklee supplements are the best in the marketplace:

1. Shaklee conducts over 100,000 tests annually to ensure the safety and efficacy of our products.

2. Each and every lot of Shaklee Products is 100% tested to ensure and guarantee that each and every ingredient that is part of our label claims is present in the appropriate amounts.

3. All ingredients in Shaklee products are qualified under the incredibly stringent Shaklee protocol, unique in the industry, which tests for up to 350 chemical contaminants, including pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals, solvent residues, etc.

4. Our Shaklee Scientists create formulations so that the key active ingredients are included at clinically efficacious levels, often significantly higher than many companies in the market.

5. Each product is formulated with nutritional ingredients that have been extensively studied to confirm safety and efficacy. Our products do not follow “fads,” but incorporate scientific and/or epidemiologic evidence of need and benefit.

6. Shaklee employs advanced delivery systems to enhance bioavailability – and these systems are tested to confirm their nutrient delivery advantages.

7. All ingredients must be acceptable from the standpoint of the Shaklee philosophy, as well as detailed scrutiny as to their safety. We do not simply accept the Certificate of Analysis that many other companies accept, but rather retest for contaminants to confirm the Certificate of Analysis is accurate.

8. Shaklee has an unwavering commitment to avoid the use of artificial flavors, sweeteners, and added preservatives. We use only non-genetically modified soy protein.

9. Shaklee developed many of the standards and protocols for manufacturing that are now referred to as Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs).

10. Ongoing proof of our product performance is demonstrated by:

• Over 100 scientific publications, 90-plus in peer-reviewed journals

• The Landmark Study, the only study of its kind, which showed that people who took Shaklee supplements over a period of 20 years had markedly better health than both single-multivitamin and nonsupplement users

• Shaklee products powering athletes to win 125 medals

• Shaklee products fueling world explorers

7 of Time-Life’s “Greatest Adventures of All Time,” and NASA Shuttle astronauts with a special rehydration product (called Astro-Ade).  Add to this list our accomplishments and awards in the area of environmental leadership and responsibility, and you will see why I am truly proud to be part of this company, where integrity, quality and social responsibility are our standards, and where making people and the planet healthier is our mission.

Shaklee is all about helping people take control of their future health by virtue of their choices today. My 16 years as a practicing family physician led me to believe even more strongly that prevention is where the future of medicine must go. Research confirms that nutrition, weight control, and wise supplementation can powerfully impact your vitality today and your health in the future, and I believe that we can redefine wellness in the coming years. 

Be well!”

by ~
Dr. Jamie McManus, MD, FAAFP
Chair of Medical Affairs, Health Sciences and Education for Shaklee Corporation



The Shaklee Difference



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